The Pellicle Podcast

Ep30 — Questions & Answers

Episode Summary

Over the past few weeks we’ve been asking our regular listeners to send in questions for our host. Listen in as Matthew works his way through these, and uses them as a good excuse to ruminate on the state of the beer industry in general.

Episode Notes

A disclaimer: this episode of The Pellicle Podcast is intended as a piece of escapism. Since this episode was recorded in early February, a lot has changed in the world around us. As much as we don’t want to minimize this, we also accept that this is a podcast largely about beer, and other tasty beverages, and this episode is presented very much in the spirit of that.

While the majority of our episodes are either driven by an interviewee, or by an idea our host wants to spend a little time mulling over, this time we’ve changed things up. Several of our regular listeners have sent in questions over the past few weeks, which over the next hour Matthew dutifully works his way through. What came as a surprise is that it afforded the opportunity to really dig into what’s happening in beer at the moment, and expand on what that might mean for makers and drinkers alike over the next few months and years. 

We hope you enjoy this episode. If you enjoyed it and you think we should do it again, or if you have any feedback about the podcast in general, drop us a line to

This episode of The Pellicle Podcast is sponsored by Hand & Heart. We’ve partnered with them to offer listeners of The Pellicle Podcast a free 30-minute advice session. You could be a business owner wondering what the hell DEI means, an employee wanting to upskill, thinking about starting a business, or at a loss of how to develop your current business. To sign up head to